Relax Heal Connect

In the hustle of life's demands, we all long for a sanctuary—a space where the weary spirit finds solace, the overtaxed mind finds peace, and the restless body finds rest.Welcome to The Dream Space, the app that beckons you to a community where this longing is not merely recognised; it is profoundly cherished.


Deeper Sleep

Deeper Sleep is a 10 week program exploring energetic techniques from the traditions of yoga and qigong and modern science that have shown to help deepen our quality of sleep.The program allows a personal supported journey to your own unique rhythm for deeper sleep and...

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The Brain Wave Spectrum

Ever wondered what’s happening to your brain in Meditation? Spiritual awakening is the ultimate intention for the eastern traditions which we in the west have immersed in through mindfulness practice. Yet the western scientists have discovered the benefits of a daily meditation practice include increased focus...

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The Gentle Ease of Being Yoga Retreat

For a true indulgence in self care, there are 3 places left for 'The Gentle Ease of Being' retreat at Clearview Retreat a beautiful venue a short distance outside of Melbourne on May 17 to 19. Here is the description of the retreat. Explore the gentle...

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Restorative & Yoga Nidra – Nervous System Reset

New 1 hour class Wednesdays 8pm @ Kundalini HouseRestorative and Yoga Nidra is a deeply healing class that activates the relaxation response. Balancing and calming the nervous system whilst in long held supported restorative poses. This allows the body to rest deeply and to replenish...

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Ritual Feminine

A 3 hour journey of Sacred Rites and practices for remembering feminine medicine for self healing and insight. with Rachel Hanrahan and Rebecca Van Horssen. Enter the space of healer as dreamer and her pathway of power and insight. Here we cultivate the innate wisdom...

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New iRest Course

My new iRest course begins April 17 at Kundalini House and runs until June 5.It's an 8 week course that includes detailed notes and weekly recordings of each practice for home use.Book at here[pdf-embedder url="" title="iRest Flyer 2018 APRIL sml"]...

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Happy Easter

I'm looking forward to the delving into the new exploration of Sacred Rest for women. What I share in this course will allow you to sleep better at night, wake up restored in the morning and build confidence in being able to honour your body's energy and...

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Sacred Rest 2018

Sacred Rest a deeply restorative and healing workshop is coming up on Sunday 11th February in North Fitzroy.  For you, my supporters to thank you, I am offering a 10% discount on the ticket price.  Use promotion code 'restoration' this is valid until the 9th...

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Introduction to iRest Yoga Nidra

Silence and Stillness is so rare in our world of consumption and production. We are so overwhelmed with stimulus, advertisements are everywhere, billboards, back of taxis, bus stops, on computer screens.  The fast pace of our lives leaves very little time to be still, to...

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