The Gentle Ease of Being Yoga Retreat
For a true indulgence in self care, there are 3 places left for ‘The Gentle Ease of Being’ retreat at Clearview Retreat a beautiful venue a short distance outside of Melbourne on May 17 to 19. Here is the description of the retreat.
Explore the gentle ease of being within and with others and the world around you. The invitation to awaken into your essential nature, to your own essence of well-being and authentic aliveness; truly meeting, greeting and being with yourself.
Our daily program, designed to nourish you deeply, includes morning yoga and somatic movement as meditation in motion. We will also explore meditative self-enquiry with breath sensing/pranayama and yoga nidra. We will experience the ancient wisdom teachings of nondual (not separate) contemplative meditations through the Vijnana Bhairava. These ancient practices are designed to develop deep relaxation as we cultivate an inner resource to explore the realisation of divine embodiment, the mystery of being, our own sacred resonance. Allowing an embodied sense of gentle ease with every intense experience, every wonder and delight, every ordinary moment as a gateway to the divine moment. Experience the world at peace through restorative yoga, periods of silence and daily bush walks. If you would like to join me in this intimate group of 8 for a weekend of nature, yoga, mediation and delicious food.. Find out more here: I would love for you to join us!
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