Relax Heal Connect

In the hustle of life's demands, we all long for a sanctuary—a space where the weary spirit finds solace, the overtaxed mind finds peace, and the restless body finds rest.Welcome to The Dream Space, the app that beckons you to a community where this longing is not merely recognised; it is profoundly cherished.

Loving Kindess

A journey to open your heart and embrace compassion
7-day Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation course

In this 7-day Loving-Kindness (Metta) Meditation course, you’ll be gently guided on a journey to open your heart and embrace compassion. Each day, you’ll explore new layers of loving-kindness, starting with yourself and gradually expanding to include loved ones, acquaintances, those who challenge you, and ultimately, all beings. This practice isn’t just about feeling more love—it’s about cultivating a sense of deep connection that can support you in times of joy and sorrow alike.

Throughout the course, you’ll experience the calming effects of Metta as you learn to quiet the mind and soften the heart. You’ll discover how to bring kindness to yourself, especially in moments when it’s most needed, and how to extend that same care to others, creating a ripple of positivity that reaches far beyond your own life.



What makes this course special is its gentle, step-by-step approach, allowing you to build your practice in a way that feels natural and supportive. By the end of the week, you’ll have a toolkit of phrases, insights, and meditations that you can carry with you into your daily life, helping you to respond to the world with greater compassion and understanding.

We invite you to join this nurturing experience, not as a challenge, but as a gift to yourself. Whether you’re new to meditation or seeking to deepen your practice, this course offers a space to grow in love and kindness, surrounded by a supportive community. It’s a journey of the heart, and we’d be honored to walk it with you.

The course will be hosted on The Dream Space app where you will be guided step-by-step in cultivating deep self-love and extending that compassion to others, even those you find challenging. Through 7 daily guided practices and insightful teachings, you’ll learn how to integrate loving-kindness into your life, creating a ripple effect of positivity and peace.


Whether you’re new to meditation or looking to deepen your practice, Loving kindness offers a profound opportunity to nurture empathy, reduce stress, and foster a sense of neutral compassion.


Join us and start your journey on September 2 to cultivate a more loving and compassionate life.  Work through the daily materials at your own pace.  Join the live streamed guided event to culminate the seven days on Sunday September 8 @8am.

Sign up for a free Dream Space Account by clicking the button below. Once your account is created you will be directed to the checkout.